challenge blog

1000 miles of cycling – heaven or hell?

1000 miles of cycling – heaven or hell?

I am four days away from starting the biggest cycle of my life and I honestly can’t decide if I am excited or dreading it. From a physical perspective, and looking at my cycling totals over the last few months, I’m completely and utterly insane. I’ve barely touched my...

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Challenge 4 – Well that was pretty stupid!

Challenge 4 – Well that was pretty stupid!

Well I think that wins the award for most stupid thing I have ever done.  I honestly wanted to remember a time when I had found something harder, ideally in my military career, but I came up stumps. Don’t get me wrong, I have completed endurance challenges before,...

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Challenge 2 – a Jurassic kind of run

Challenge 2 – a Jurassic kind of run

Crikey I’m pretty tired after that. However, weirdly, I think I will recover quicker than when I tried my first ultra last November. Despite being longer, the fact that there was less ascent overall means my legs aren’t in quite as much clip. On the other hand, the...

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Grief and Freedom

Grief and Freedom

How is it possible to feel such a deep sense of grief but also be excited for the freedom in front of you? It turns out that so many of us feel this way when we decide to leave the military. The Kubler-Ross grief cycle is real. I attended a career transition workshop...

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Challenge 1 and ‘On the right! on the right!!!’

Challenge 1 and ‘On the right! on the right!!!’

So, I haven’t blogged in a while, I’ve journaled but, to be quite honest, those notes are a gigantic, cringe-worthy, mind dump, and often make next to no sense! Honestly you’d probably have me sectioned… But I really do want to keep up the blog because it forces me to...

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So, I have finally finished reading my book 'high performance', it’s taken me a while as I haven’t been able to get into a calm enough space to stop and read recently. Every time I have planned to read before bed other tasks, like creating social media content or...

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